At the top on the left - when the button called File opens, the following is displayed:
New - opens a new writing window,
Open - opens a window to open a previously saved file,
Save - saves the file in a format, for example txt, (to save the htm page code, enter the name and ending of the htm file (e.g. myname.htm),
Save as - save the file as (as text file: myname.txt or htm file, html file: filehtm.htm),
Close program - closes the program
At the top on the left - when the button called Edit opens, the following is displayed:
Undo - undoes written text (on the keyboard Ctrl + Z),
Cut - cuts the selected text (on the keyboard Ctrl + X),
Copy - copies the selected text (on the keyboard Ctrl + C),
Paste - pastes previously copied text (on the keyboard Ctrl + V),
At the top on the left - when the button called Windows opens, the following is displayed:
Cascade, Horizontal, Vertical, Arrange - these options organize the files opened in the program (arrange windows horizontally, vertically and so on).
There are graphic buttons on the program bar. Using the program is very simple.